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Profile picture for Now&Me member @gangas96

Ganga @gangas96

Don’t know but days are kind of going mixed, and i often feel sometimes that I may be a burden to my family and not given my best to them or not give them what they wanted, Anxious and scared at the same time. Seems like a failure to them or I’m a complete loser and sometimes when they talk about me even if it’s good or bad, i sense something that either they are talking good or bad, but in most situations I think i may not be a good son or a good human being. Hopefully I sort this out.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moonlesswisdom
4 replies

Small changes everyday makes or unmakes character.


Hey man , all I’ll say is you doubt yourself too much, take a deep breath and just relax and don’t let overflowing thoughts in your mind clear your head and only think about what you want to do…

Ps: I’m not a therapist or life coach so this is just my advice and what i follow…hope it works for you. ✌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moonlesswisdom

Shoulder Guy @moonlesswis...

Whenever doubts as such persists, take a moment in time and reflect. If there are negavtives as you pointed out, I’m pretty sure there must be achievements in your life that you must be proud of. (In this context, I mean only you & not others. Be a little selfish)

The mind is fragile whenever there’s this deep sense of not belonging. You must find reasons why you’re worth it. Why you matter. I’m sure you’ll find hope and comfort knowing that there are a lot of people who rely on you. People who subconsciously don’t know that you’ve helped them, but you do don’t you? That’s your peace. A little sense of comfort my friend.

Keep working hard. Peace is always within you. 🙂

test @blz97_light

There will be something that you like to do. Maybe spend more time on that. I think its better to focus on interests rather than staring on walls or being sad and dejected all day everyday.


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