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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Don’t keep your purpose before a girl or woman, if you do you will lose yourself.
Let her go.

- Batman

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone
5 replies

People who can’t do commitments always let people go :')
Because this is the only thing they can do because they don’t have emotions to feel others :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chosenone

Aman @chosenone

Emotion is pure, commitment is serious but never use for someone who has no capacity to understand and build the trust.


I understood this very lately that I should not use my emotions and commitment for someone who was not even worthy for for this and my love :')


Commitment is not a word to play. If you just use emotions only when you need without understanding the other person, you will lose it every time .


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