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3am ThoughtsThought


Does someone else hate the feeling we get when we’re trying to get over or when we are trying to distance ourselves from someone we love? It’s absolutely gut-wrenching, makes me sad.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anjali_k
16 replies

It’s the worst feeling in the world


It’s like our heart is ripping apart


I swear! I always have second thoughts whether i should do it or not, but then i realise that it’s necessary and will be better for everyone.


Most importantly it will be so much better for us

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anjali_k

Anjali_k @anjali_k

It’s like, we are guilty for ourselves. Even though we are creating distance to save ourselves, we only end up getting hurt.


and it hurts more when they seem so happy and unbothered

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anjali_k

Anjali_k @anjali_k

Yes. You can never feel more stupid in your life.
Feels like you have wasted so much of your efforts and emotions just to feel this…AGAIN!


Because we loved them, they’re special to us and no one likes to forget or distance themselves from someone they adore

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anjali_k

Anjali_k @anjali_k



It’s so hard to move on


Absolutely…it’s the worst

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Thank you ☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anjali_k

Anjali_k @anjali_k

I would like to know…how can one practice self love ?

its me @itsme097

Yes. Gut wrenching is the word. Heavy heart palpitations. Disrupted eating and sleep patterns. Voices in your head screaming one fear after another.

I am so grateful I found my support system in talking to a therapist. It’s been three years and I’ve come a really long way.

Sending you love!


So happy for you and thanks 😁


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