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Does looking nice have you lot of friends but not being ugly? If so I will share one story about myself of my past and present and it’s differences.

5 replies

Sam Singhania @samm45

It matters now a days in this materialistic world… But not everyone is like that bruh


Yes you are right


I dont think thats true …if ur beautiful u will be used and people comes for popularity that is being with u and i think being alone is better than that …


Yes that’s true and don’t think about anything in life let it be and think about u are future and actually family is the bestfriend mom dad if u have a dog be with that it will understand everything and friends just a name of sake all fake and make money be in high level automatically friends will be back seee and try once ✨


Since 8th grade to 10th i was like a average type of girl in SCHOOL. like chubby, messy hair bare faced. No one really talked to me. i was alone on lunch breaks. By the end of 10th i started recieving these comments that if I had been doing anything to lose weight.
Then when I reached 11th there was so many new students, made friends with them. Now I eat with them. My old classmates who don’t really talk to me come and talk when I want my own time alone. I used to be left alone all the time now that i have got so many friends whenever I stand alone they accompany me. Old days when I help people they just don’t care. Now it’s like i dress neatly, i style my hair cleanly too. Don’t really know wheather it’s this look transformation. But i am sure that my new best friends don’t really care if I look like that or this. Bonus: i had got compliments from my old mates, teachers.


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