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Does liking trans guys (they look like men but have softer facial features) makes me bi? IDK I’m confused. Or does it simply means I like men with soft facial features.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justenoughlight
5 replies

I feel if you start liking physical features then maybe yeah ? It’s because you are attracted to them right ?

Pepperoni @pepperoni

Not necessarily, I suppose it depends whether you find both masculine and feminine features attractive, but it does become a bit blurry with trans people. At the end of the day you like who you like and that’s what matters!


Nope. Well if bi is a lable you want and are comfortable with, then ofcourse you can identify as bi. But strictly in this case, it’s trans GUYS for a reason, so you still like guys and that doesn’t exactly make you bi.


Thanks. I haven’t really thought from this perspective. I don’t want any label. From the replies I got, I’ve concluded that I like guys with softer features.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @justenoughlight

Sky/Griffin @justenoughlig...

If you are attracted only to men normally, then no, because trans men are men.


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