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Does leaving your loved ones behind to pursue your career in some other city of country is the right thing to do? I know it’s right but I worry about my mom and the people i live s lot. My family relations aren’t good. And the only person who’s there for my mom is me. I may have to move to another city because of my job. It’s my first job. I wanna go out be independent and start my career to help myself grow both personally and professionally. But instead of thinking about that. I keep thinking how will I leave her here. And she can’t come live with me there. What do you all think is right? How should I help myself out of this?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulsoup
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulsoup

_ @soulsoup

You can go out persue your career, parents are muxh stronger than we think , important things is while going on with ur life , you should always try to make things better for her at home like providing all house helps , be there for her emotionally , continuesly checking on her and in future try to get her live with you , just don’t get selfish once you see shines of outer world. She will be happy i sure them. Just be there for them emotionally thats very important, hope thought helps


Thanks for replying. Means a lot. And ofc I’m going to make sure all of it happens. I’ll take care of everything and she’s strong she will get through it. But the thing is my thoughts. I still am continuously being worried and thinking through everything. I think it will take time. Anyway, thank again. :))

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soulsoup

_ @soulsoup

Yes , continues thinking about is normal it’s about your mother, but trust no one will be more proud then her seeing you grow and achieve your dreams. Can say this bcoz gone through similar suitation and even though i leave no stones unturn to make my parents life better . Constant thought of them being alone still gives me chill thinking about all what if… but it’s life.


Yes thank you so much. I think I need to accept this. It’s okay to feel this way I just have to work towards making myself happy and then their happiness will follow I guess. :))


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