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Does it get easier?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123
11 replies

Slowly but surely each day is difficult but at the end of the day its another 24h you have survived.


I really hope it does. Feels like it’s all falling apart


No it doesn’t
Maybe it takes a lot of time but from my experience 5 years it doesn’t get easier


Damn I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it does for both of us. But at times I feel hoping will lead to disappointment.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123

Silent eyes @silent_guy123

Well i pray that i hope we make it

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I’m trying to hold on. It’s just getting too much too soon. Work stress, bottling my relationship, family anxiety and so much. I act all chirpy but inside it’s like I’m hitting rock bottom. But thank you for asking really. Don’t like being vulnerable amongst known people 🥺

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Can you see my comment? It’s below I think?


It’s like I want to open up. But I’ve had people break my trust so many times that I don’t want to anymore. I don’t want to feel how I’m feeling right now and I try to cheer up. But it’s getting difficult imo

And yeah, I need stop being a people pleaser. It’s like if I be real, I feel like im being rude towards others. I don’t know if it makes sense?

I’d love to talk more about this if you’d like that too :’)

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