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Does having love on someone need to be proved to them all the time??
I love her so much, but we had a break-up bcoz her family doesn’t like me. It was hard for me to process it. I couldn’t do anything hardly after that. I was collapsed and it took too long for me to cope up with situations happening around. I know she too struggled a lot more than me and expected me to show up. I couldn’t be able to be by her side when she needed me the most as I was processing the pain and wasn’t having a subtle mindset to think about anything. I still love her, but she is not with me. I still care for her, but can’t express to her.

After all these years of our relationship she now thinks that I’m the reason for her suffering, I didn’t love her truly as I didn’t show up when needed, I was happily moved on as I don’t talk to her, she is now feeling disgusted for loving me. Listening to those words from my loved one’s ripped my heart. I do feel guilty for not being on her side, I still feel. But what about my true feelings and love I still have towards her?? Do I need to prove them everytime in every situation?? I can’t digest the fact that most loved person in my life has this level of understanding over me. I now really feel useless, unimportant and like a big loser. It’s hurting a lot…

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Hey Mate!

I understand your situation. The thing is you don’t need to show love and tell her that how much she means to you, you should do it when she needs you the most and I guess that was the time when she needed you the most and you did not show up.

I think you should not let it go so easily if you love her so much, just do whatever it takes to make her understand and clear things out.

All the very best, I really wish you get her back.


I think firstly you should tell all of this to her and she’ll understand you believe me and if not still then you knew what to do next after that but you both need a confrontation


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