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Does cheating makes a person really bad? Even if they are not happy in the relationship.
I can’t stop thinking myself as a bad person and feel suicidal at times because I can’t do any good in life. I feel like if I end my life everything will be okay and everyone will be happy.

7 replies

No it doesn’t. The relationship norms our society driven. God never created a rule of one person can be attracted to one person only in a life. Its creation of insecure humans and to an extent to avoid real cheating. If you end your life everything sure be ok for you but will change for others. Do not know who else will go in depression.And lastly cheating is the way you define to me it could be continuing in the relation you are not committed


I feel like I will never be able to do anything in my life. My ex tells me I am the most pathetic person alive and I don’t deserve any love from anyone.


First, if you are cheating in relationship then maybe that relationship isn’t for you or you can communicate that the relationship isn’t working as it should be and try to fix what could be wrong with it in the first place. My advice for you is, admitting that you have made mistakes to yourself and to learn from them, so you can better yourself in the future.


I admit I made a big mistake. I messed up everything. Now I don’t know how to correct everything. Ending life seems better than facing all the humiliation


Dear hold on…you need not make anything correct…just hang there…your ex is an a*** why do you want to end your life for somebody if anyone has to end its life its him/her


i would hate to but i disagree on this advice.
abusing or blaming someone just to make the other feel better isnt the right way .
every story has 2sides.
without knowing their side you musnt say that.
hope you dont get offended:)


Its sure not…but downgrading yourself is fine!!
I just do not want to lose you…I take back my words if you take yours about ending…You caught me right…I was wrong in abusing…aren’t you abusing yourself ?? As you are kind on others… can you please be little kind on self


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