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Does anyone else get tired of being strong everytime and try to calm down everybody whils that’s what you need the most? What helps you that time?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj
9 replies

Hey. I can so understand. It’s actually very frustrating to be the person others fall on. We sometimes need someone to fall on too! What helps me go on is the fact that I believe in myself and that I know I’m extremely strong to handle everything that comes my way. Not just that, I’m strong enough to be a shoulder to the ones I love while being in misery myself, it’s not easy and not everyone is capable of it!!
I hope I helped.


Hey! Thanks… yeah you did to some extent


Most of the times it so happens
That i get very tired of counselling myself…
I wish that someone would counsel me…
But then all i know that my life is mine
Expecting anything out of anyone will only hurt me…
I will just be wasting my time n hurting myself
If i keep waiting for someone to cheer me…
If u fall
N keep expecting somebody to give u helping hand
Not necessary u would be fortunate enough to get helping hand
Because tdy everyone is so engrossed in their life n problems
That they will ignore you
No one has that much time
So u have 2 choices
Stay fallen
Or try picking urself…

World will move ahead
But i will stay stuck up…

I have to smile
For myself…

If we have a life
N we have to live…
What is the point is staying unhappy n living

Jab jeena hain toh live in right n happy spirit…

I keep reminding myself everyday i wake up

Thank you…


Hey Thanks!


Hey. This is relatable on a very deep level. I feel there’s a fundamental mistake that we make as humans. We assign ROLES to other humans. For example, a TEACHER is expected to know everything and be able to explain to students, which might not possibly true. Sometimes the teacher needs to be a student too! and we are all learners in the subject called LIFE, the only difference is you know CHAPTER 1 thoroughly, I know CHAPTER 2 and someone else, the other. We can all share our knowledge and pass.

Coming back to what you said, I feel in these times I just call up a friend who I haven’t advised or who I know is a non-judgemental listener and ask them “If I could vent out ?” Generally, I feel just venting out helps, but in a few cases , they have proven to be experts in the situation as they share their own experience and that helps.

So share it with friends or you could even write down/ record your feelings and a the next day. Listen/ read it as 3rd person’s problem, and what solution would you offer?

Hope this Helps :)


Hey Thank you!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj

I think what helps me is when I remind myself of how I went through a tough time alone and reassure myself that this shall too pass!


Yeah right, thanks!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj

Also, I take a breather, go out for a wlak, watch my fav movies and I also do some retail therapy from time to time and it actually helps!


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