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Does anyone else feel as if they’re missing out on many things in life whereas you know you aren’t but still you have this weird feeling of missing out on things and then slowly it turns into an anxiety attack?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found
Profile picture for Now&Me member @moneyme
Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09
45 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

I am actually missing out and i am acutally anxious


What are you missing out on?


…and about the anxious part, try slow breathing. It always helps me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Living basically. Just busy being depressed

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

My anxiety is beyond help now


I know that feeling. I’ve been there. I still go there at times. It’s a shitty place to be in. You’ll be out of it. Give it time.


Have you taken any professional help?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Have been in it as long as i remember…doesnt seem very hopeful…the idea of getting out of it i mean

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

I tried to but i havent covered all of my issues


You will be fine.
Tell yourself this everyday.
Even if you don’t mean it, just say it.
Trust me it helps.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Been there done that and it lasts for like 2 hrs. I am really running out of options here. Very crippling anxiety

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

He wasnt a nice one so i quit actually. But thanks.


Do you want me to connect you to a good therapist? I’m in touch of a NIMHANs the



Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Hie guys …. I have had generalised anxiety last week … currently just trying to be good to myself, give myself more time and i know im missing on few things too.But cherishing the few good anxiety free moments .


Hey. That’s a really positive attitude. I’m happy to hear that you’re fighting this so bravely. Would try to develop this positive on outlook in life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moneyme

Anonymous @moneyme

I have felt that for a long time and i still do. For me i figured it is the lack of love, i find ppl coming at me more than understanding me. They shame me more than showing the good side of me to me. That causes alot of anxiety


I’ve never read something more relatable. I feel the same. They come at me, but never with the intention to understand me and it sucks. For once, I want someone to love me the way I love others.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moneyme

Anonymous @moneyme

Exactly. The thing tht u feel like is missing is ppl asking about how u are, if u are okay and if u have eaten. That makes u happy tht they care but u dont get it often


Yes exactly! The feeling of belonging somewhere. That specific feeling that you’re being taken care of, apart from a family member.

ayushi @ayushi08

I feel that. But now it’s gotta lesser cuz I m around around who make me feel counted in


I’m glad you don’t feel this anymore. It’s really a horrible feeling to miss out on things even though you aren’t.

ayushi @ayushi08

I feel you just surround yourself with people or even make yourself itna strong ki you feel happy in the present


I have friends, yet i feel alone and I know it’s my problem to feel this way. I’m pretty self aware in that sense, yet i feel it and i think it’s something i need to work on.

ayushi @ayushi08

Yes you have to work on self love dear ❤️🧿


Yes, i do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

I did consider to go to a psychiatrist to manage with symptoms. The palpitations,the diarrhea, the nauseous feeling. But now all of a sudden almost everything feels fine . Manageable!?. I had therapist a while ago and it was a really insightful time. And last year 30 days exercise by now and me has helped me alot to kinda understand what i am going through.


That’s so great. I’m so happy to hear that you’re feeling better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

But actually fear/regret of missing out on things sucks … considering the pandemic… It has been challenging too … I would have gone to a coaching institute 1 year back n moved on with my life and healing at the same time … But this universe had better plans … Its like no you just have to sit at home for 2 long years and overthink everything even before anything happens.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Are you missing out on anything in particular right now ??


This pandemic has hit all of us in the most terrible way possible. I’ve not come across a single person who hasn’t faced any symptoms of depression. Whether it’s high or low, everyone has gone through it. But it is what it is. All we can do is talk about it and feel better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

And these 2 years have in a way not all bad too because it just the time when people started to talk more openly about mental health issues … And personally it made me to slow down and catch a breathe and understand about all the feelings i have been neglecting.


So I’m a wheelchair user, I’ve always had this feeling I’m missing out on alot of things in life, whereas my parents made it a point i don’t. Plus, Ive also made sure that i try to experience as much as i can. So you can say that I’ve had almost more experiences than any other average person would. Still, there’s this feeling that creeps in that I’m missing out on something.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Glad you have parents who make sure you dont miss out on things but sure everyone have their own ways of exploring things that only you can understand.


Yes yes. It’s a terrible feeling that ends up making me anxious. So hard to deal with it at times.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

You have siblings?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

I was just concerned about the comparison you might have. Dint mean to offend you … but hope you hold on to the good times a bit longer and be open to little surprises life gives you … It was great talking to you and have a good night 😴


Yes. I do. I have a younger brother.


Nah nah. There hasn’t been any kind of comparison between the two of us. Infact, even if it were the case, i wouldn’t mind him being the better one out of the two. He’s a sweet kid, very gentle.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Aww… Appreciate that … So how was your day ??


Hey do you want me to DM you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Yeah sure send a request


I’ve sent a hey


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