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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sage_kun

Sage @sage_kun

does anyone else experience “vision fog”?

It almost looks like there’s smoke covering anything you look at or very light fog. It has a white
or gray tint. I haven’t found anything that triggers it, but it happens ever so often. I was just curious if it happens to anyone else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @siz
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sage_kun
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @siz

mizzu @siz

If its long time vision fog we call it cataract 😁

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sage_kun

Sage @sage_kun

haha oh great! im going blind

trex @tannnu

LMAO …😭😩


Probably should go and get checked by doctor (opthalmologist)
Maybe your eyes just got a larger no. that’s why u might be having vision fog…


Ohh i didn’t know it’s called as vision fog… Happens alot if time with me… I thought it’s bcoz of my screen time


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