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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

does anyone else ever feel like they’re making their own feeling up like they’re just pretending and don’t actually feel that way? Like i know it doesn’t make any sense cuz why would i want to pretend that?! and i know I’m feeling that way but then there’s always the thought in the back of my head saying but what if it’s not real? Like i will literally be crying and balling my eyes out about something and then be like, but what if I’m just doing it bc i want to? maybe i don’t actually feel that. I always doubt my feelings

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
3 replies

I doubt my existence


That actually happens… Like for me i was experienced it a lot. In short… I never know how to act if smone is crying or if smone is dying… That tine i don’t get any feeling and thus in oreer to avoid being judged i used to pretend nd make up those feelings. I can’t say if m cruel or smthing like that but idk wt is this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

oh so you don’t feel but pretend you do? for me it’s like the same but the opossite like i feel but try to convince myself i don’t and im just making it up. What you said about not knowing how to act if someone is crying or dying also happens to me tho, but it’s not that i don’t feel, i do i just don’t know how to express emotions wich leads to people thinking i have no empathy and im a psychopath but i swear im not lol, i feel a lot but i hate feeling and i’ve been supressing those feelings for so long that i don’t know how to show emotions anymore. idk why that happens. But if you say you actually don’t feel anything then idk, do you ever feel tho? or do you just not know how to express it? or do you feel but don’t know how you feel? There’s a thing called alexithymia i think( i studied it in my psychology class), which is ppl not knowing how to interpreter feelings. I don’t think that’s me tho bc I do feel and deep down know i do but i question it bc i don’t want to and i can’t express it bc im not used to so idk how.


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