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Profile picture for Now&Me member @friendanonymou

AnonymousFriend @friendanonymou

Do you think 1 special person/partner is necessary in life? As a support system, To share ups and downs moments, and never feel alone?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @laviii
Profile picture for Now&Me member @friendanonymou
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @laviii

B @laviii

That special person can be anyone, someone from your family maybe, or God for sure!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @friendanonymou

AnonymousFriend @friendanonymou

Not a religious person. Also we can’t share everything with a family member.


I don’t think that 1 person is absolutely a necessity to have, but sure you can have one.
And you know, humans are programmed this way that with a weak foundation of family or friends, one falls apart, but to be honest I have hardly seen any people with a support system that agrees with their desires 100%


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