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3am ThoughtsThought

ella @chaotic_ella

Do you know what I have decided to just stop acting like a fucking rose who needs perfect pH perfect soil, perfect sunlight to grow and flourish. I’m gonna be a fucking dandelion. OK, I’m gonna flourish in concrete and chaos and terrible soil and no sunlight and still fucking shine.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
18 replies

No probably you wont do that , dowers won’t say what they do , you are a talking dreamer

ella @chaotic_ella

Like why did you think saying something negative is gonna make you a better person, you a mean one me grinch


No not like that , but you replied back and responded because of negativity, I cared for 3 people but they didn’t texted properly but I said negative you texted back, I got a person to text me atleast to fight,I felt hurt so I want to hurt people, so am doing that,


But why though, fk the people who didn’t text you back. You don’t need them. Get food instead good is bae.


Yeah , food is medicine, I was late to take food and this happened


I thought that atleast they would reply,


Your quote was soo awesome, so I did that ,you know people don’t like sour orange and never appreciate a good orange, but you responded to negativity .i got your attention finally 😁,and you texted back

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

listen, you are the entire bouquet, okay! don’t let anyone or anything dull your shine. you got this! 💫


Hay you yes you , you are messing up , I tried to help someone and you said post under review and removed it , don’t you have a common sense and I can’t even text you why are you doing this

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Okay first let’s get you some English lessons cause reading this just caused a headache and second how you tryna help by being negative


Why are you interacting ,am talking with the person I reply not you ,don’t put your thing inside


It’s doesn’t help them it help me to feel alive a purpose ,you never know a motive of a psyco if you are not a psyco 🤣😁😆


This is the best thing I’ve heard and I thing it’s wonderful to feel that way and have a new level of strength. You got this!


Sir you need some therapy 🙃 like some serious help managing your emotions


Have a good dayy, take care

ella @chaotic_ella

This is my most chaotic post ever 😂😂😂😂😂

ella @chaotic_ella

The comments are wild 😛


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