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3am ThoughtsThought


Do you guys ever get scold by parents because u getting bro I can’t study ik
I’m trying my best but it’s just they keep humiliating me saying so much things
Idk what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jassie77
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rawatyashika
4 replies

Hey, yes that happens a lot like you can’t ever really meet their expectations, I think you kind of just need to learn to not be affected by their words. I know it’s hard, but maybe try surround yourself with more positive people who support you so you don’t let your worth go down by your parents. Sorry though, I hope it gets better :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jassie77

Jass @jassie77

Well its the parents job to scold. Just get used to it. They will criticize you over only your studies. But the world will do over everything you do. Your parents want the best for you. Keep working hard. They will be proud of you too


I understand what you are saying, but humiliating your child doesn’t do anything except make them feel more terrible than they already do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rawatyashika

yashika @rawatyashika

Yes always my present scold me
But it’s okya


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