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Do people are actually so busy that they forget to text/ call you for months. Forget that i exist…?
What to do when my bestfriend do this to me?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
3 replies

I can relate to this SO MUCH. I have a best friend who replies to me after 2 months. I have even confronted her but she doesn’t seem to change but I reply immediately. She puts status of Whatsapp but she doesn’t have even a minute to reply to me. It just hurts so much. She knows how much I love speaking to her and the days we don’t speak, I feel gloomy. She knows this, I have told her but she doesn’t seem to change at all. She doesn’t care about how am I or anything. Imagine you have to wait LITERALLY, istg, for 2 MONTHS for just ONE reply 🙄
She doesn’t tell me the reason for taking such long breaks. She texts me like she didn’t make me wait for months to get a reply 😣
I have decided to break friendship with her. I don’t think she really loves me or cares about me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

yes there are times people get busy they work schedule makes them busy that they tend to forget to text r call . my best friends used to be in Australia and we dont used to talk frequently sometimes we used to talk after 3/4 months but we still are best friends . and i have some of my clg friends with i talk after ages .its not always about talking its all about trust and love and if thats intact i think its totally fine

Sanket @sanket

Its just that the other person starts adapting to the newer environment.


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