Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Bookoholic @aim_less

Do not chase love in life. It never works. Just never works. You will not impress her by doing more. In fact she will think why he is doing so much.May be I am too good for him. Why he is trying so hard. Am I out of his league?. If I am so great then why should I like him.
This content I have taken from one of the podcast and find it relatable. Do you feel the same?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @just_randomly
Profile picture for Now&Me member @devraj_111
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @just_randomly

Enoxa✨ @just_randomly

Umm I guess somewhere it’s not wrong. It’s the reality somehow but we are different people nd with different thoughts. Tho I’m agreed with this one

Bookoholic @aim_less

Yess… there are different perspectives of different persons but this is generalised thought process of whether it is boy or girl.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @devraj_111

DEVRAJ @devraj_111

Like there was one time I heard this and it stuck to my mind till date that … if you want people to treat you the same treat them as your equal… human beings have this tendency that if you treat a XYZ person as a filmstar he will treat you like a fan…


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