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3am ThoughtsThought


Do mirrors lie?
How come when I look in some mirrors I look the best?
How come when I see in the camera of the phone it shows how fat I am?
Do mirrors lie or my camera or my mind?who is the liar?🤔

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🥰 Aww! Self-doubt ki koi jagah nhi. Thank you 😊

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What we see in the mirror is how we think we look but what camera shows is how you look to the world. Even I don’t look good in camera but what to do. Afterall we have to accept yourselves with how we look only then can people accept us. Leave no space for self-doubt. Be good to others, that what matters. We both should stop thinking about how we look in a picture, because I cannot stop thinking about it too. I think I ruin other people’s picture


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