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Do marriages really work? I am so scared to get married or like commit to someone because can someone really love only one person forever? We only seen such great love stories in movies or books. What if now i love my partner a lot or vice versa and then in future after few years we grow tired of each other? What then? Is love really long lasting feeling?

11 replies

If you really love each other then it is long lasting


It’s not about being married to a person or being committed. It’s about the person you are with that holds a special place in your life. The decisions you make, the way you live, the way you think. Things should correlate. And this correlation comes with time.


What’s your religion background?


What’s it gotta do with religion?


Marriages work!! But seeing the current generational shift it seems kinda a huge task… like you have to work with each other trust each other and what not… have to go through all the ups and downs… the part you said ke after few years will there be same energy and spark, it will depend on you both have gotten to know eachother. How well you have dealt with difficult situations… maybe if have kids you will have another set of thinking by then


It really isn’t about marriages working. In india unlike foreign countries we have seen almost all marriages lasting atleast upto our parent’s generation. But i am more concerned about love like will it still be how it used to be or people just stay together as “adjustment” or uk just for the sake of kids. I mean idk if i am making sense but i am afraid that after 15-20 yrs i would be like bored from life or my partner might be the same and i just don’t want to exist in a marriage and marry juat for the sake to have a family or children ahh


You can’t predict things now, but if you keep thinking that after 15 20 years you probably will end up like that (Placebo Effect). Maybe you can think of the marriage as a project with some stages, layout something like after certain period of time you would do this and certain period something else and something else like…
Loving someone for whole life is the most beautiful thing ever. You might have seen old couples helping each other, going out for walks, getting groceries and playing with kids like this is all we have seen but what if there’s something more we don’t know how things would be in next 20 years.


Let me tell you my POV of marriage.

It’s a bond between two individuals who decide to become one and be one till they die. No matter what the situations are , no matter how bad things are going they both are for each other. Be together, grow together and live the life together.


It’s beautiful i know and if one gets to experience such love and spend their lifetime together it would be the greatest achievement. It’s just i don’t see this sort of love in my parents uk and that makes me think.


I maybe wrong but they are both busy in their current scenarios like if you’re parents are working they might be busy with that and also they might be thinking about your marriage so that part of love you won’t be seeing it… you know as we grow our parents become more and more occupied with things like to look after us and as we become elder like start working also we are the same for them if you are working in the same city but if you’re working far from your home things are different for them.

See if the relationship between two people is maturing then they don’t need to show the love that other people can see. They both know what they are for each other.


Yup maybe you are right. Anyways thanks a lot for taking time out to help me. Have a great day!


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