Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Do life worth the pain and suffering?

PS: don’t try to manipulate, write only your genuine thought.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324
Profile picture for Now&Me member @celestine
4 replies

Pain and suffering is what give the life meaning…embrace them

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Sometime yes.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @celestine

celestine @celestine

Depends on the type of pain n suffering u choose to deal with. The problem with us is that we keep going back to the things that hurt us cos we think that nothing better than this would ever come to us. Its a sort of fear instilled in us…the fear of being left behind. N in that sense of fear we go back to the same pain n suffering. So u think its worth going through it? I would say no. Let go, move on, new obstacles come in, deal with it, get stronger but never get stuck to one sort of pain or suffering.

Pia999 @_brokenwings

Life is about pain, suffering, a little bit of smile, a little bit of happiness, lost memories which are almost faded yet you think about them. It’s just like a canvas filled with a lot of different colours. Some bright, some dark yet beautiful.


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