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3am ThoughtsThought


Do i confess or not…?
I really like someone but not sure that she likes me…
We live nearby houses and i have never met her in person but we did text a lot and had a conversation over the phone…
But the now there is no more text and every rarely we speak through the phone…

I can’t stop thinking about her…

What should I do… Do i tell her or do i try to have the conversation like we used to …

Even though she had a breakup with someone recently …should I tell her about my feelings or it will just ruin the friendship we had…

What your thoughts about it…?

5 replies

See first start with little conversation…slowly give her some hints on this if she likes then go ahead n confess…


Mere bhai bolke baat khatm kar. And it’s all about your intention. Do you want to be more than her friend? Yes? Then go ahead tell her. Idk but I don’t think you should hang around waiting for her to not have guy in her life to make your move. Telling her would help you I believe.

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