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Do grade 10th marks actually matter in life?Just cause you are bad at school mean you are gonna suck at life also?

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Purva Nandha @purva_nandha

10th Marksheets only matters at 2 places
1) Date of birth proof
2) Admissions in IIM


Ohh thnk you broo


Umm 10th means to check your birth certificate…
Even if you have not achieved the highest percentage… Or your friends have
I would suggest that just open that specific subject and read it again…
It’s easy buddy don’t think it too much and just jump open that book…
I know how it feels to face the subject if one has performed bad in the exam…it’ stays as a phobia. As I have for MATHEMATICS 🤭😭😭😭😭
But over time you will realise that this is such easy thing… Only give it mindful of 1 hour…that one hour should have all your silliest of silly doubts and crazy questions
Plsssss don’t stresss much …


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