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jai kumar @falconxx57

Do girls sit back and think how much she hurt him ?
How can she be so heartless 😖😭😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ow97038
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ow97038

Olivia.R 🥺💕 @ow97038

i would

jai kumar @falconxx57

Then why she is such a heartless person she didn’t think that she is hurting me too much

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ow97038

Olivia.R 🥺💕 @ow97038

well some people dont know and i know I wouldn’t hurt someone I loved

jai kumar @falconxx57

There are good peoples too
I always encounter to the wrong person who hurt me

jai kumar @falconxx57

Nd mee too, its too hard


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