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Do any of you suffer from depression or anxiety disorder but cannot visit a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist because you are a student & financially dependent on your parents? If yes then how do you guys cope with you everyday life?

(I have talked to my parents about visiting one but mental health problems are apparently non existent or excuse for them. Just here to take some advice)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aragni
3 replies

Yes I do feel the same. But I haven’t talked about it with my parents.
I just to make it until the end of the day n this cycle continues, idk how it is bt the day is just passing and I’m just blank.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aragni

niti agti @aragni

there this thread nowandme shared on insta of someone on this platform posted a detailed way of coping the depression… today or yesterday. it has all the points. go through it. it will definetly help


There are free therapy sessions available, just check in search you may find it. Check out the mood space website they conduct free therapy.


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