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DNA- Don’t talk to women, No women will ever be interested in you, avoid eye contact. This should be followed by every below average short weird guy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mavericks_
42 replies

First of all no one weird. What makes a guy attractive is how he treat a women. I’m a women I can say on behalf of other that we fall for a guy who treats us with respect and care. And when he does all of that. He automatically becomes the most attractive guy we could ask for. I know exceptions are always there.


This is only partly true, looks are more important and good looking and being tall are green flags. If you’re a below average guy then it’s better to accept that you don’t deserve a relationship.


I know half of the people judge each other by looks but the other half don’t. Believe me looks matter only for a week. We always want a guy who has more than just looks. You know you would also want a girl who is kind caring rather than just being beautiful. And it’s better to get into relationship with someone you can see a future with.


I don’t want any woman because no woman wants me or even interested in being friends with me, i don’t even know how to talk to women. Am not good looking nor do I have the flirting skills, just a weirdo who doesn’t fit anywhere.


Why do you wanna fit with someone you can’t match your vibes with. Ain’t it’s better to be alone? Than being with so called friend. And is it wrong to be a weirdo. I’m also a weirdo. Everyone is. It’s fun. You don’t need flirting skills to get a girl. Dude you’re perfect the way you’re. The right girl will find you eventually


I don’t wanna fit in and I never fit in any group, don’t have a lot of friends and women find me weird and boring so now I avoid them and being weird is only β€˜cool’ for social media , in real life no one wants to hangout or spend time with a weirdo, i am weird cause I am schzioaffective with bipolar and have a plethora of other mental issues. Am not normal in any sense and don’t have a normal life. Women get disgusted when I make eye contact with them, am not looking for a miracle by posting this here, just overwhelmed and really sad at the moment because of how my life is going and how empty I feel, i don’t even have a friend to call and talk to.


Don’t sweat what everyone thinks! The coolest people appreciate someone who’s genuine, and that includes you. Making friends can be tough, but there are awesome people out there who share your interests. Maybe we can brainstorm some fun ways to meet new folks together?


It’s very tough being vocal about your mental health, are you getting any treatment?


You’re just saying that I am cool and fun to hangout with just to make me feel better. Idk any ideas at the moment, I am feeling very low and sad. I don’t have any friends to open up and certainly never had any female friends cause I am not even worthy of friendship with women.


I am taking regular medication for my illness and also talk to a psychologist twice every month.


I tried making friends in college but it never evolved beyond Casual classroom hi-bye friendship, never was anyone’s close friend, no one calls me or checks on me. This is why I say there is something fundamentally wrong with me.


No I’m not saying this because to make you feel better but I can relate tbh. I spent my 18 years thinking about how bad I look and that’s the reason why guys or other girls don’t talk to me but than I found no it’s not. I’m not the problem. But they’re not my people if they don’t see my worth. And no one remains constant for life. Different people support you at different phases of your life. And that’s it. You will remember them that they were with you at that time. We can’t hold onto someone for long. And we have to accept that


Am sorry you had to go through that, hope your feeling better now. Unfortunately for me I don’t have any long term or short term friends, am not worthy of friendship, just destined to be a loner. No one wants to be friends with a mentally ill weirdo, that’s why everyone leaves and I’ve seen people having long lasting very caring friends so what you said isn’t Universal.


That’s how most of the friendships are in this world. If I talk about myself. After I stepout of my college I forget the people I was with in cllg because I get stuck by my own life so much it’s hard to stay connected. Life goes on so do people.


But I don’t think you’re in my situation, you must be having friends to hangout and talk to on the phone. i don’t have any friends and I am 30 nearing 31 in a few months and I have given up on all this friendship, romance stuff. It’s not meant for me, I am not a normal human being, just a weirdo who doesn’t deserve anything , nothing special or cool about me. So sorry to waste your time and energy.


I have also seen people who are almost alone without any support they don’t even get their family support. I know how you feel when you can’t share your thoughts with someone. Spending night with your own thoughts is the hardest shit. And you’re saying that no one wants to talk to mentally ill people. You can see people here. This is a site for that purpose only. I like talking to people here. I find genuine people here


I’m not wasting my time. I know I can’t relate to you on that level but I understand your situation how you feel.


I posted here many times both anonymously and otherwise but apart from a few empathetic words no one else Cares, it’s hard to explain what I am feeling right now, I am at my lowest and the voices in my head are telling me to accept my reality which is I’ll be a lonely miserable guy, love is not for me, I never dated in my life nor been a close friend with any women. It’ll never happen to me( i was optimistic before but not anymore) they find me creepy, weird and not good looking and it’s not their fault. It’s what I Deserve, i am not of a good character nor do I possess a great personality. Just a nobody who isn’t worthy of anything good. I am just wasting everyone’s time here as well.


It’s important to remember that negative thoughts can be overwhelming, but they don’t define your worth as a person. Everyone deserves love and companionship, and it’s not true that you’re destined to be lonely or miserable. It’s okay to have moments of doubt, but please know that there are people who care about you and want to see you happy. Your self-perception may not always reflect reality, and it’s possible that others don’t see you in the same negative light that you see yourself.


What about your family? Your parents


They are good parents but I am not comfortable sharing my emotional problems with them.


You can write down your thoughts and feelings can indeed be incredibly therapeutic. I do it most of the time and it feels light. If you ever want to share what you’ve written or discuss anything further, I’m here to listen and support you along the way.


Everything thinks low of me, there are people who think I am mentally retarded, there isn’t anything to consider as positive in me. Why would anyone want to be friends with a mentally ill weirdo, why would any woman even if she isn’t interested in physical appearance want to spend time or even get to know a mentally ill guy? Am not good at anything, just a failure in life. And right now all I can think of is negative thoughts, i messaged my therapist booking team but they are not available till next week, so I don’t have anyone to talk to. I am fed up, i have a collegemates wedding to attend tomorrow, I’ll be even more miserable, i don’t know how to communicate with women or be presentable and for that reason I’ll avoid eye contact else they’ll feel creeped out and I hate the question of when I’ll get married, i feel they all deep down knows I am undesirable and not worthy of relationship and just asking to make fun of me.


Thank you for saying that, but I don’t think you will find me very entertaining. You’ll regret talking to me and just end up stopping talking to me, it’s not you… i just don’t even deserve any basic human connection.


See wedding as an opportunity to challenge these negative thoughts and beliefs. Try to focus on the celebration and connecting with friends rather than putting pressure on yourself to interact with women.Remember that everyone has insecurities, and you’re not alone in feeling this way.


I’m not here to entertain myself. I have been using this site since 3 years now. I met great people here and worse also but I don’t regret any.


We can connect also if you wanna


I am already under a lot of mental pressure already and weddings have always been a nightmare for me, i don’t look good nor dress well or photogenic, i am unable to mingle freely and openly with women like my peers I tried it before but they aren’t interested, am just a boring guy and I don’t think I can take such mental pressure. Right now the voices in my head are echoing - it’s not meant for you, you don’t even deserve to sit next to a woman, if you do or try to talk to a woman they’ll get creeped out and file a case against you so it’s better to follow DNA and stay away from women. They are disgusted by you and you don’t have any attractive physical or character attributes.


You are not a creep. Negative self-perceptions can be incredibly convincing, but they often don’t align with reality. It’s essential to challenge these thoughts and recognize your worth. Instead of fixating on what you perceive as shortcomings, focus on your positive qualities and the unique aspects of your personality. Remember that everyone has insecurities, and it’s okay to have them, but they don’t define you. Building confidence in yourself and treating others with respect will help change how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. You deserve to feel good about who you are.


I understand all this but I am unable to create a positive environment in my head at the moment. I am having a sort of depression episode due to my schizophrenia and all I can see or think is negative.


Even though I have been a long time user and connected with a few people, they all stopped talking after a day or two.


I don’t think I’ll be a good conversationalist or be fun to chat with.


Let’s talk about something you like, anything which makes you feel better, food , movies, places anything

RAMU @rj1993


Idk, my mind is blank at the moment. Can you start? This is my I’d if you’re interested in connecting.


We can share our problems atleast for a period


Sent you heyy


I already shared the lionshare of my problems in half an hour.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mavericks_

Try to talk and its okay to awkward initially everyone is awkward plus communication is another skill which we learn when we practice


I tried, initial talking is ok but no one is interested in long term friendship. They get bored easily and stop talking after a week or a month.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mavericks_

Well u need to try more and look chances r u try with 10 people initially and most likely 9 will be get bored leave u but there is possibility that one person hear u listen u and talk to u so try try and try


Is it you diks?

RAMU @rj1993




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