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Did anyone socially distroyed by a girl if you said no to her proposal of marriage?

I am socially distroyed by a girl intentionally because I said no in my 18th or first year of college. I don’t want to think into it at that early age also I don’t like her as she was totally a bully, want to rule my life according to her.

And the interesting thing is she never talked to me a single word but she tell everyone that she love me and he don’t even care about it.

I am completely lost, socially troubled and facing difficulty in regaining me life again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @friendly_loner
13 replies

I have been there. I understand what you are going through and idky they do this. And this made me lose respect for girls.


Yes, same happened to me.


Instead of reflecting your deceitful deeds, still blaming others for being honest? I don’t think she ever wants to marry you, as you’re chaotically complex relationships has destroyed your integrity. Pathetic.


Fuck yourself. I pray, God will give you same that you are thinking good for me.

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Sab jagah judge bante phirte rehte hai. Your whole family is pathetic and give your gyaan to your family when they face the problem. I hope you will soon use your gyaan there.


Speak fking Eng


Yes. He will. He will grant me my well deserved freedom because I am single and I should enjoy it within a proper amount.


Rather than being stuck in this sick codependent relationship with a selfish narcissist.


Rather than being stuck in this sick codependent relationship with a s elfish n arcissist.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @friendly_loner

Friendly Loner @friendly_l...

Clearly the yellow Anonymous here in the comments is drunk or whatever!
Anyhow, you did the right thing… 18 isn’t the age for marriage proposals. And yes she does sound like a crazy B chasing you for attention (been there). Don’t even think about it - you did the right thing - now go on get a life far away that she can’t ever touch!


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