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been living for 32 years, don’t have much friends or relationships. Used to be alone, got PhD, love art and work, so feel quite content. Last year don’t know why I made a choice to give up my job and go back to my home country thinking I should take care my parents now because they become old. New job is decent and secure but salary only 1/4 as before. And I see no future in this job, what I learned and did before seems meaningless all a sudden. I thought I can bear with the boredom but I can’t, it’s slowly killing me. I feel kind dead inside every day. I don’t feel anymore, no interest in anything.
So I told I Wanna go back to old job but parents against it badly. In my culture, no matter what degree no matter what job or salary women like me has no meaning if not married and have a kid.
My old company is kind enough to have me back. But If I don’t give them reply in 2 weeks, I won’t have the job.
Choice, once again, I have to make a choice. No matter the choice, I feel lost completely. I know my responsibility, but I also want my own simple life. Maybe I should stay, maybe I should go, or just like normal ppl, meet someone, get married, have kid, no other fantasies. But I don’t know anymore.
So here I am, depressing with no answer but endless tears and this random post.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @theinnerbeauty
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @theinnerbeauty

Readers can easily feel that you are Struggling with lots of stuff right now. And even we don’t know u but still can feel the pain u r going through…
But still alongside u r a brave women and we can easily thing about it


Thank you


Hey there!
Its completely normal to feel to lost and clueless.

And while you know that its essential to stay with your parents its also important to chase your dreams and live your life. YOU DO YOU , once you are happy then only you can make others happy …

Sending Good and positive vibes chica !! 🥰


I agree. But life is not about happy, my happy only makes my parents hurt. And that makes me hurt. I’m in a dead loop…


I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. Being a woman i understand we have both responsibilities and our dreams, we have to stay on board with both. But sometimes situations are different, life takes a turn, its because there are things which you aren’t seeing coming, but they are meant for you. Maybe this is the time that your search for passion ends, or you find yourself! You never know what life has in place for you. I know decisions of marriage and all are not at all easy to consider, and i see it bothers your parents, they want you to have a family of your own. Its okay dear, its absolutely fine! Sometimes things happen unexpectedly and life leaves you by surprise, decide what your heart feels right. Maybe all of this is happening cause universe wants you to look upon at something which you were ignorant of before. Maybe something beautiful is on the way, we never know! Just stay strong, that you are!😘 I wish you all the positivity! Listen to your heart!❤️


Thank you. Glad there is ppl read my mess thoughts. I hope I could follow my heart. But I need to find my heart first…


Even i am in the same situation which you are


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