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I am feeling lonely lately i don’t know how to open up to my family and friends. well to tell you honestly i am more a bit of a loner at school i don’t socialize because i am afraid of being judged by other people i am too insecure about my body because i am fat i have tons of scars on my legs and i don’t feel happy anymore about it

4 replies

Hey love! So, I am 22 years old and one thing I wish I go back and say to my younger self in school would be: Don’t let the opinions of others about you matter and affect you, it’s not worth it.
I was on the heavier side - weighed above 90kgs for most of my school life. That really had a toll on my mental health and confidence. It stopped me from interacting with people, just because of my insecurity. I had and have stretch marks all over my body and that affected my confidence as well.
Now that I look back at those times, I realise that honestly nobody really cares about the way you look and if they do, then you really don’t need such superficial people in your life. People are too engrossed in their own lives to even think about someone else’s.
It really helps to open up and talk about what you’re feeling and what’s bothering you and I am glad you took the step to open up here.
What ultimately changed things for me was: realising how important I am to MYSELF and loving myself to the fullest. Prioritise yourself and don’t let anyone else pull you down!!! You’re amazing just the way you are!!!


I get it and I know it’s definitely an everyday battle sometimes and you may not want to hear any cliche responses rn and that opening up can be hard…and fear of judgement is so painful. It’s amazing you took the step here. I don’t have the courage to do that yet, but I’m so proud you did it! I understand you not feeling happy about it anymore and that’s okay. It takes time, especially assuming you’re young like me. Sometimes our brains work against us. I struggle with several different body issues and man it’s tough to deal with. You’re brave and it’s okay to not be comfortable with your body. It takes time to love it, even if you think you never will. Something that helped me was thinking about my body the same way I would my pets. Talking and treating myself in the same sense I would my dog and cat. There isn6t a quick fix solution to the pain and I wish there was for your sake. As far as not socializing goes, as hard as it seems, nobody thinks of you the way you think they do. You will always be your worst judge and remembering that may make it a little easier to not only open up to people who love and care for you, but it can help you talk to new people like you are now.

Also…being a loner admittedly creates issues for making friends and opening up. I get that…I’ve been in the same boat. Whatever your interests or passions are, try to find someone in that group. Anyone who you can relate to and talk about the things that make you happy and feel alive. Even if it seems small to you, it’s the least painful way to break out of that bubble. I know it’s not much, but I really hope you feel better and a little less lonely. You’re so important, and even though the way you see your body is so negative right now, you matter. You’re loved for much much more than your skin


Thank you the both of you. You both made me feel that i am less lonely!


Anytime! Always here to listen :)


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