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Demotivated and distracted

Profile picture for Now&Me member @confused247
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @confused247

Confused 24/7 @confused247


What happened? Anything in particular made you feel so?


I cannot focus on work or home. Feel lack of love and attention at both ends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @confused247

Confused 24/7 @confused247


Sometimes it happens that people are too busy or have other priority work. But if you feel neglected continuously, try talking about it to your family and colleagues. Maybe they didn’t realize and were unknowingly ignoring you.
Also try to keep yourself busy with some reading, watching movies/series, gaming, cooking or anything you like, so your mind is refreshed.


My partner cheated on me almost a year back. He was sorry and i forgave him. But in my heart i never really forgave him. Now when i dont get attention it jus triggers back all the memories.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @confused247

Confused 24/7 @confused247


I’m sorry you had to experience that. Try to get a closure on this. Forgive, forget and move on. That is a closed chapter in your life. Don’t revisit it. It’s ok if it comes up in your mind at times, but don’t let it make you feel down. You can do this πŸ’ͺ🏼


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