Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Death is all I think about
At the end of the day I wonder how it would be if I was dead.
Nothing happening anymore…it makes me happy

4 replies

After dying, you won’t be able to think at all.
So why not think about something else?


I do but it always ultimately leads to death…


I’d ask what is it about death
But I won’t
I have to sleep😂 I don’t want to think about me dying


you can do this, i may just be some random person on this site but i’m proud of you for even still being here. it’s tough but one day i know you will get out of this because you are strong and amazing and i hope you start to get better. you’re amazing, keep going


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