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Peer PressureThought


Dear Parents… I want everything from you … the privilege, the comfort, everything that bling bling to show off on Instagram but when it comes to accountability and performance I might blame you for not understanding me emotionally. Maybe I am depressed during exams … And surely when result comes. Am okay otherwise playing freefire and smoking all day. Can you increase my allowance from next month? Thanks Dad, let me post how you never understand me in social.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @fighter453
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @fighter453

Nomad @fighter453

I can get the emotional part but not the rest.


Most people don’t get Sarcasm. It’s okay


If there was a relevance. Maybe then.


Yeah Shaktimaan :P


Don’t smoke bro it harms your body ❤


Bro… It’s a Rant. I only eat Vimal 😂


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