Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Now&Me 101Thought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Dear Now&Me Family,


It’s been a while since we last had a chat. We hope you and your loved ones are healthy, happy and safe.

We’re absolutely thrilled to see how beautifully the community is thriving, how we are helping each other out and forming bonds of a lifetime! This is exactly the purpose for which we started Now&Me, almost a year back.

You have been very helpful in your feedback, and one-on-one messaging is something that a lot of you have requested for. We have duly notes that and might have something exciting for you soon!

Finally, we are here today, because we need your help. We’re confused and we know the Now&Me Community never lets its people down.

1) We want to know from you, how we can provide an even superior experience to you and what service would you like to pay for, and how much?
[To be able to remunerate ourselves for the efforts we put in. Now&Me isn’t funded by any third party and we hope we are able to sustain it that way.]

2) Would you like to pay for any of the following premium services:
a. Minimal Subscription fee to keep the ads away
b. Virtual Member meet-ups
c. Virtual Expert sessions [one on one / group]
d. Expert Q&A sessions
e. Expert Resources, Tips, Product Recommendations

If yes, tell us which of these options works for you, and why, and how much you would want to pay us for it?

3) Would you be okay if we showed you Ads? You won’t have to pay for this, but it will help us earn some money, however less it might be.

4) Additionally, if you also want to tell us what topics you want us to touch upon, you can comment those too!

The idea behind asking you these questions instead of just going ahead with it is to know from you what is most valuable to you and if there is something that you most definitely do not want.

The open forum has always and will always continue to be free. The right to express your thoughts and feelings should not have a limit.

We are really hoping for this to be as interactive a thread as possible because we want to know from you what YOU want. We are not business people or capitalists. We are merely people behind a mission with a democratic outlook of how we can create a community that is built for you & funded by you.

Sending you all strength, love & light always
Now&Me Team

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_sreya_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn
41 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

From what I understood is, you wish to conduct expert sessions for your Now&Me members on a monthly basis (let’s suppose). And for that how much are we ready to pay. BUT, the resources provided by you suggests different names and profiles along with the fees and the type of meetings, why would I as an individual would like to have sessions besides the already given expert professionals.
Also, the blogs are helpful for people who actually wish to take help and learn from it along with the 2 PDF’s given on your website.
Despite there could be resources as in WAYS/METHODS for helping the person in hand at that very point (maybe building something like - when someone vents out and the AI sees it to be disturbing a pop-up kind appears and ask if they want to seek help and use the tips for which you charge).
It may sound mean, but the ONE thing for which I came here (despite I was too in LSR so I knew about the website long back :)) people can come here and vent out without wanting to feel they have to PAY something before they let their emotions out. I have tried other websites as well and it first asks which type of consultation I want along with the charges which made me feel, I don’t want to do anything here.
If not this, they ask certain questions before I could actually do what I came for. Maybe if this thing starts to happen here, I as an individual would not like to speak my mind but just help with replying to others.

According to me, if the meetings are held with Co-founders of Now&Me, engaging with their audience and getting to know them, Instagram is the best option for that as you already do and also with some experts on a daily basis.

One more thing, I had an interaction with someone some time back and also seen others messages saying they want to have One to One conversation. But there is no way we can have it here and I would not want to disclose my personal SM Id’s or even Mail id for that matter. If something could be brought up wherein we can have chat here only at a personal level. I guess it’ll help many since everyone doesn’t want to tell everything publicly.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @indu

about the ads, I think its okay to put them. After all you worked so hard in developing this site. And I think it would be better if the ads are related to mental health in someway. Else, the main purpose of us coming here would get distracted (if its games or other things). And don’t put pop-up kinda ads, just put them on the side.

And about the subscription, I think its okay to charge for expert one on one or more sessions but for other things I don’t think I can be ok with that. Because as a teenager, student and someone who doesn’t let parents know that I’ve been using this site, I won’t be able to pay for it. I am here because everything is free and it’s really easy to use. But if you want to, u can charge. It would be useful to people who are suffering so much or are suicidal and want to save themselves.

Also, please let us have one to one conversation too so that we don’t have to write everything openly and can depend on one person we like to help us.

And please include motivational blogs for studying purpose. I really have wasted lots of time on my addictions and distractions. So please help people like me realize what we are doing and how it will affect us in future. Though I know everything I am unable to control my mind wanting to do a ton lot of other things. SOS!

Thank you for letting us express our opinions on this. It is really nice of you to ask us before u do anything.😄

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey, @indu!
Thank you so much for your valuable input.
We have considered your suggestion regarding the ads and are now trying them out on the platform.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

yes. it is new an people here are listening and understanding. this is a good thing


I actually like if Now&Me has an application.

To be honest, this is the first free site I found to express my feelings. I hope there are no registration fee or membership fee in the future.

I think it is okay to pay for premium services (like the one on one talk and etc.) because you will provide money for that if we want to, but I think it’s also unnecessary because I was brought here because I want to express and show my feelings, I want to see if someone feels the same about the thing I’ve been through.

But yeah it is a so-so situation.

Ads are okay 😊 it doesn’t matter! I think we can help the site with watching those ads or seeing those ads.

I personally would like to thank this site, I mean without this I’ll be keeping my feelings at my self and it is not healthy!

Thank you for making this site possible because one post can help someone feel light, I mean the pain inside will be lessen. Ya’ know what I’m saying? Haha

Sorry for my ENGLISH and Grammar also spelling?. Not Fluent tho.

Keep giving opportunities!

Stay safe and God Bless 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey, @ell!
Thank you so much for your valuable input.
We have considered your suggestion regarding the ads and are now trying them out on the platform.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_sreya_

sreya @_sreya_

Hi ! Now and me is always wonderful . Yes you can show adds if it benefits you. As we are all interested in poetry and writing you can touch the topics related to books or message oriented movies . The way you approach everyone for moving forward is really good . Happy to be a part of this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey, @srisreyakurella!
Thank you so much for your valuable input.
We have considered your suggestion regarding the ads and are now trying them out on the platform.
Also, new tags for movies, books, etc have been updated. Check them out:

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thank you @st1199 @indu @skybroker @ell @srisreyakurella 🧡
We can’t thank you enough for being such an active part of the community. We are so happy to receive your suggestions, they will be so helpful to us in creating the best experience possible.

We want you to rest assured that the ability to express your thoughts will ALWAYS be free. We would never want to take that chance away from anyone.

Thanking you once again, for giving us such a detailed response explaining your views, they’re completely incredible & insightful!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnthejohn

Ana Banach @johnthejohn

Now & Me, first off, thank you. I originally came here to talk about a crush I had on my best friend and just got enveloped in this community.
I would not mind ads. Everyone needs at least a little money, and if your way of getting that dough is ads, then ad away! I think the virtual meets would be an incredible way to talk one on one. It would make certain people feel more welcome. I would not use it, but I know that some of the community would live on it.

Quick suggestion; Can there be a poetry section? I know that I’ll probably be the only one to use it, but I love writing my feelings as poems. It makes me feel smart and like a burden nobody loves at the same time.

I don’t know what else to say. 🤟🏾💩🤟🏾
(I saw that on a post, I am not secretly pulling anonymous accounts btw)


omg bro a poetry section would be the BEST!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hi @johnthejohn! Thank you so much for your valuable response, we truly appreciate it!

Keeping all suggestions in mind, we have come up with a Support Us feature on the website, where you can anonymously donate any amount you feel like.

If you’d like to continue to support us, you can donate as much or as little as you like at 🧡


Ads are ok if they are not all over the page but on one side of the page vertically or horizontally. There should not be any subscription charges for basic service of expressing opinion and people responding to keep the ‘non capitalist’ approach alive.
Premium services may be charged and people will enroll as per their needs. Like my view is Information is widely available on internet so for me Expert Q&A/resource etc are not something I will pay . However I will happily pay for expert one to one meet. For price refer to counselling site like Manastha, Mindreapy,talk to angle, cure fit, ticktalkto etc


yeah it’d be neater and more comfy with adds on one side rather than everywhere that might make me panic tbh, so on one side sounds good

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hii @johnthejohn @ordinaryguy 👋
Can’t even begin to tell you how useful your suggestions are. Thank you both for taking out the time to give such a detailed explanation. We’re so glad that you’ve made the Now&Me community your own. Hope you continue to have beautiful experiences here, and that we can keep making the community better, stronger together ⭐️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

I would be great with the ads thing mentioned in point no.3.

Also, I remember there was a master class with a minimal fee to pay, so you would know how many turned up and how was the outcome, and that way it could be done in the future as well.


To start with
A very big thank to now n me n your wonderful team…
This website is unique.
One of its kind
Very very amazing…
Incredible Initiative.
Very very appreciable.
Thank you so much…

My suggestions or rather my opinion- can definitely puts ads.
2.U can keep 2 modes
Let the one mode be as it is
Non paid
The open forum
No one to one messaging
N create a second mode
Say premium services
Where one to one messaging n other value added experiences are available
For that you can charge subscription fees…

3.Incase you make one-one messaging available
I would request you that for privacy or other reasons let the ac operator have the authority
Whether he or she wants to receive personal messages or not…

4.If possible create an admin group or group of experts
So that atleast every question posted here
Gets response from atleast one person
Maybe someone from admin…
Let no question be ignored or unaswered

5.I feel the basic as in posting of questions n answering on open forum shouldnot be charged…
As it can be one of barrier to help who need help…

Thank you so very much…
It is great job done by u all…
More power,strength,light to you all…
God bless…
Keep rocking

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hi @kusum! Thank you so much for your valuable response, we truly appreciate it!

Keeping all suggestions in mind, we have come up with a Support Us feature on the website, where you can anonymously donate any amount you feel like.

If you’d like to continue to support us, you can donate as much or as little as you like at 🧡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey, @kusum!
Thank you so much for your valuable input.
We have considered your suggestion regarding the ads and are now trying them out on the platform.


Thats amazing…
Thank you so much…

Jafar Abbas @jafarabbas33

I believe there should be an anonymous donation system for sometime at least. If it works then great but if it doesn’t then you can move to a different approach. I know you have the right to earn money but as for my part, I do want to pay but I’m very young and of course unemployed. And imagine someone is having a very hard time and they want to post a thought bu they are seeing an of a furniture or a game. I think it will be very distractive and Now&Me might not be Now&Me anymore.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

I agree with the anonymous donation.


this is a great idea, I love that I can come here without feeling I have to pay for my feelings and to help others with theirs, and being able to donate would be a lot easier and I feel like it would be more friendly? I love now and me the way it is, a safe place for everyone, and I think it’s great, and being able to help fund it but not having to if you don’t have the money sounds brilliant!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey @jafarabbas33, @turtle09 and @ijustneedhelpdude. Thank you so much for your valuable inputs, we truly appreciate it. 💫

Keeping your suggestions in mind, we have come up with a Support Us feature on the website, where you can anonymously donate any amount you feel like.
If you’d like to continue to support us, you can donate as much or as little as you like at 🧡

Jafar Abbas @jafarabbas33

I would like to add that your donation system is almost kind of hidden. I can see “Join us on product hunt” but not the donation system which is more important. Maybe you might want to interchange their places?🤔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

You can donate by clicking on ‘Help Us Sustain our Mission’ or alternatively on any amount.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Now&Me is doing great at its job. And the thought of making betterment in the website for us itself says how much we matter to you. We wouldn’t have any objection in your idea of introducing ads into the website if it helps the growth of the website. From my side, it’s a yes to ads. Another suggestion, you can introduce an app, if that really helps you in anyway in comparison to a website.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Another suggestion to add: what about having a poetry or quote section, as I express my feelings better in these forms.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey, @dkhandelwal65!
Thank you so much for your valuable input.
We have considered your suggestion regarding the ads and are now trying them out on the platform.
Also, something for poetry coming out soon ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

That’s so great, thank you! I’m really excited for the upcoming developments!! ☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Hi! It is so cool of you guys to ask the users for suggestions in such things. Coming to the point. I totally agree that you guys should be paid well and get encouragement to do more for this community. I did not notice till now that there were no ads on the website, it wouldn’t be a problem even if you have ads on the side on desktop view and at the bottom on the mobile view. I feel it is essential for you guys to introduce ads, it is a growing community.
Like jafarabbas33 mentioned it is a good option to start anonymous donation. I started using the website when I was searching for selfhelp, cashfree ways to cope with whatever i have been going through. I saw your website on wetheyoung platform and started falling in live with the website since then. So the thing is I dont mind to donate for the betterment of this website.
Some of the things you are going to add on from now can be offered premium membership option. In my opinion it is basic to have thoughts option and the meet ups free.
You have no clue how much this community is helping me😪

Thank you guys,
All the best
Turtle believes in you🤗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey @turtle09! Thank you so much for your valuable inputs, we truly appreciate it. 💫

Keeping your suggestions in mind, we have come up with a Support Us feature on the website, where you can anonymously donate any amount you feel like.
If you’d like to continue to support us, you can donate as much or as little as you like at 🧡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Thank you … I am so happy for being a part of this community. Will sure do my part☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey, @turtle09!
Thank you so much for your valuable input.
We have considered your suggestion regarding the ads and are now trying them out on the platform.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Its my pleasure ☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @turtle09

Turtle @turtle09

Hie … I just wanna add a suggestion. Please add the ads at the bottom of the page where the contact us , feedback options are there. The ad option of the arrow to open and close is cool. But colourful adds on the profile page are a bit all over the page. Please consider @rivadhingra @nowandme


my family doesn’t have a lot of money, but if I was able to pay (depending on price of course! Speaking with no idea about how this works, I’d say I’d pay about $1.50 in aussie dollars) for c,d,and e, so virtual sessions, expert Q&As and resources, tips and recommendations :)

I think it’d be pretty cool to have one-on-one messaging as well as what’s already here. I’d be OK with ads as long as they aren’t too bright or anything (I’m usually come here to help my anxiety and bright colours would unsettle me a lot, sorry for the inconvenience!) and I think it’d be a good idea to add more things to the warnings/tags because I keep going to put things in like ‘sexual abuse’ and haven’t been able to.

Thanks so much for asking us! I really appreciate all you guys do, I wouldn’t have lived through last year without this happy hide-away online :) thanks for the safe space

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey @ijustneedhelpdude! Thank you so much for your valuable inputs, we truly appreciate it. 💫

Keeping your suggestions in mind, we have come up with a Support Us feature on the website, where you can anonymously donate any amount you feel like.
If you’d like to continue to support us, you can donate as much or as little as you like at 🧡

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn

Mx Shay @sxkurxchxn

2) I’m broke so I can’t pay for any of those memberships but I still think you should add them I think all of them will be great features!

3) I’d definitely be okay for ads! As long as their appropriate and don’t contain content that might affect other users here.

Thanks for everything!! This site has really helped me!! <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @rivadhingra

Riva @rivadhingra

Hey, @sxkurxchxn!
Thank you so much for your valuable input.
We have considered your suggestion regarding the ads and are now trying them out on the platform.

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sxkurxchxn

Mx Shay @sxkurxchxn

That’s great! Tysm for making this site, it really helped a lot!


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