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One Sided LoveThought


Dear my crush from 6th grade till date,
Hi how are you? Remember me, I was the girl you copied your homework off of and I was so stupid to let you use me like that. Our friendship was basically built on that and when we switched classes because of language reasons and you stopped talking altogether? Remember me.
I am so scared to tell you how I feel, because you made it pretty clear by body shaming me and saying you only wanted to hug me out of kiss, marry, hug for the sake of the game. You are so stupid and small minded but for some reason I really liked you. Maybe it was because of the desire that I couldn’t have you. I am happy that you are doing fantastic and you have a girlfriend. Good for you. I contemplated many times in the beginning of 2022, whether or not to text you about my feelings. I didn’t, because not to brag or anything, you would have been very lucky to have me as a gf. I would have loved you with all my heart, cared for you, listened to you, helped you through your problems. I would have prioritised you. Truth be told, the way you treated me as a friend, was horrible, so i guess you didn’t deserve me anyways. O

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