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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moonlesswisdom

Shoulder Guy @moonlesswis...

Days feel meaningless as it passes. Life is monotonous. Wake up, go to work, eat, sleep, repeat.

I used to have a lot of friends. (I say used not because they’re not friends of mine, they’re all abroad) most of the days I hang out with no one but myself. I smoke. I listen to songs, I write poetry.

All I do is just fill up this void. But nothing helps. It’s come to a point where you know it all makes sense of what the present is but also at the same time you tend to ask, β€œWhat the fuck is this life?”

Anybody feel me?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @moonlesswisdom
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