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Anger IssuesThought

AGirlHasNoName @agirlhasno...

Day by day I’m turning into a very short tempered person. I don’t know how to fix it. I distract myself by doing something else, something I like to do. Project it on my studies or work so that I do better. But some days it just gets to me.

3 replies

Its normal to behave like this. Dont let it get to you. However if you see the same behavior prolonged for 2-3-4 months, you talk to a therapist

m s @mhs

Look to yourself to see if there’s something in specific in life that’s bothering you. That’s making your mood upset constantly. If not, make a note of what triggers you. Be concious about your reaction. Slow down. Take 10 seconds to respond. Sometimes, our temper causes us to hurt someone, unintentionally. Try to be mindful about this. I hope you feel better.

Rosy @rosy1

Try not giving reaction right away. If someone triggers you to react leave the room or take a walk. Do something which makes you feel better about yourself.


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