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3am ThoughtsThought

Andy Hernandez @noname142

Day 8 of breakup we spoke last night it started off good then I started spiraling asking her why she’s doing this she told me she loves me but it was a mistake reaching out and blocked me

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Andy Hernandez @noname142

I broke down yesterday while talking to her wish I would’ve just left it at hello I hope I didn’t push her away. Just thinking about her feeling down

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Andy Hernandez @noname142

Yes I want her back she told me she still loves me

Andy Hernandez @noname142

A lot of fighting we would fight and make up but never work on the problems she broke it off said she was unhappy but she felt like we needed to take a break her words are detach herself she has somethings to work on

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Andy Hernandez @noname142

Thank you for your kind words


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