Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Self HarmThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dinosaur_07

Broken Bitch @dinosaur_07

Cut myself again today… noticed I am going a bit too deep now… I don’t want help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dinosaur_07
4 replies

Are you ok, i know sometimes everything feels like it is hopeless, but thats not true, i was there too once, did that too, but iam in a much much better place and happy with my life now, this hurt and pain will lessen eventually, you will learn to smile again, so just be patient and dont think that there is no other way, if you want to share anything…please do…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dinosaur_07

Broken Bitch @dinosaur_07

I don’t know what to do anymore it feels like no one cares and no one notices me literally tearing myself apart from the inside


Why do you feel like that, have you tried to talk to your family or friends about it, it might seem difficult in the beginning to open up, but once you do its not that hard, you will actually feel very relieved if you talk about whats bothering you someone, it will lift of a huge burden from your mind, is there any particular incident or event that has made you feel sad like this, or you have been feeling generally like this?


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