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Currently very tensed. Had a breakup 3months ago. He isn’t reciprocating well. I tried enough. Maybe cuz of familg issues he is hidding his feelings. I don’t knw whether he still misses me the same. I m nt being abl to focus on anything.
I just want to be normal

4 replies

You had a breakup then why are you still thinking of him.Don’t force yourself to be normal. accept what you are feeling and go with it. pour time in what you like.


Take your time. stop thinking about him. Keep yourself busy. Find some hobbies and do things that you love you will feel better. And most importantly surround yourself with people that mekes you feel loved.


To be true… I might sound harsh to you. But stop thinking about him and move on. I know it might not be that easy. But if he has not texted you or called you then believe me “HE HAS MOVED ON” and so is the time for you to move on.

Try. Listening to music/ talk to your friends, family. Get to know your closed ones and see the magic you would create.


Coz you are beautiful and there is someone out there thinking about you more than your Ex.


It’s a shame you’re going through such an agonizing time right now. Few things in life are more painful than the loss of a loved one. Your situation, in fact, reminds me of this ancient wisdom: “Heartache crushes the spirit.” -Proverbs 15:13

Were you aware that heart break often causes the same pain as the death of a loved one?


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