Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Aakifah @kifah

Crying and the left side of my chest where supposedly my heart is,it’s paining and I have to breath through my mouth cuz it’s difficult to breath properly

7 replies

Hey you wanna talk?? Text, voice anything… I think you are really need someone

Aakifah @kifah

Trying to stop myself from screaming


Something happen?? Recently why you are at panic mode

Aakifah @kifah



Ky hua… Bol do

Aakifah @kifah

I hate myself…I keep trying to lose weight or do some skin treatment but still everyone criticizes me


I think you should try to love yourself the way you are. And please tlk to someone u think who understands you. Or please ask for help. There is nothing wrong with it. Even i hv been through this


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