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Crazy story😆… So today i went to the library to return the book that i just read (The seat of soul) and to borrow a new one. When i arrived at the library i saw one of my classmate whom i’m not close with reading a book alone at a table while drinking coffee. After i returned the book i sneak into his back and tried to scare him (i failed tho TwT) he did not get scared at all and this is when i felt it. He slowly turned around, Looked into my eyes and said “Robecca?” and i got like shocked and didn’t answer him instead i just stared into his eyes for like 10 seconds and i cant even broke a contact with him until he said “How can i help you?” and i said “nothing, i just tried to scare you…” i dont know what expressions that i made at that time cause i’m like blushing and i’m trying to keep a normal face😖 and he smiled and said “well, Seems like you failed hehehe” i’m like yeah, i sat beside him i said nothing at all he continued reading his book and after satting beside him for a few second i felt so weird i feel like so Calm, I feel like i can be myself beside him like i can be whatever i wanna be beside him and he’s still gonna accept me, my heart beats like so slowly i just feel so comfortable beside him and all… I moved closer to him so i can also read what he’s reading and dang he smells so nice and he did not even complain, after a few minutes i lean my head into his shoulder, his expression is still the same and i fell asleep into his shoulder and after an hour and maybe 48mins he wake me up and said “I finished reading my book, I’m about to return it and go home” i’m like what time is it he said “it’s already 3:20pm, how’s your sleep? Hahaha, you slept for about 2 hours” i said “Really?!! In your shoulder the whole time?!!” he said “Yes you look like in a deep sleep so i didn’t move cause you might wake up” i ssid “Really?!! I’m so sorry your shoulder might have hurt alot, I’m really sorry” he said “Its alright” he returned his book and i just realised that i’m wearing his scarf. I’m so embarrassed that when he returned i dont even know what to say, i returned his scarf to him and he took his bag and said “so… Goodbye now? Hahaha” i said "yeah "i also stood up and i feel the same but this time my heart was beating so fast, we went out the library and separated ways after ward… I think i’m inlove or something… No one has ever made me feel something like that🙈. What should i do when i meet him at school next week?!! 😩I’m so embarrassed :')

10 replies

You slept on his shoulder…so cutee
Maybe talk him a little more and have nice little conversations!


I should🙈


This got me smiling like an idiot.


Damn so cute… this really happend or is it some imagination??

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It really happened


Girl ,im crying


Why? Hahaha


Yar, this story is so cute + that guy is such gentleman type.
How old r u people?


We’re both 19 but i think he’s like 3 months older


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