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Neel Mehta @neelmehta

Continously studying for 12 hours a day since last 6 months has ended me in a confused state… I no more found the qualification which i am pursuing fruitful… The only reason i am doing is pressure from parents and peers… How should i quit

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel
3 replies

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

don’t think about quitting entirely. Take a break, breathe and think about what you need. You will find multiple ways to approach it! More power to you.

Prem @prem

I think this is entirely due to restless efforts you are putting in studies.You should consider taking a break,go out for couple of days,atleast for a movie if not anything else.When I was a student I too did this mistake of doing tremendous study without break and getting depressed at the end.
I can totally understand your situation because I was at the same condition as you 10 years back.Believe me! Your efforts wont go waste even if they seem so now.Your hardwork will pay you when you will face career issues in future and this is my real personal experience.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel

Simran Patel @simranpatel

At some point, you’ll have to tell them that this isn’t what is motivating you. The sooner you pursue what you truly love, the happier you’ll be. Wishing you luck and love❤️


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