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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


Confused about the future, is something that always gives me a headache 🀯. Being a government job aspirant is really difficult in today’s time. This is my second attempt and I’m confused about my future because I’m not very confident at this time. And the major headache 😨 is family pressure because it’s already more than two years gone and I’m still on the same page. Should I talk to my parents regarding this because I’m so confused about my future of mine? And the way everything is happing for me it’s very difficult to focus on something. and the family pressure for cracking the exam of government job is very high and the way they treat me for this is very very frustrating and sadful for me😭😀. And I don’t know what happens if I don’t clear the exam. Should I try to convince my parents πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦ of other options where I can easily perform well. I’m confused about the future and don’t know what happens in the upcoming year. don’t know how I will survive everything because I know my parents won’t gonna easily allow me for other things. Sometimes I’m also confused about what I should do. sometimes my mind said just go and tell your parents that I can’t do this preparation anymore but at the same time my mind suggests trying once more. Let’s hope everything will be fine.🀞 Please let me know what you think about this. and please share your experiences if you ever go through a situation like this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sai_sushma
3 replies

All I got to say is YOU GOT ONE LIFE.
If you want to do govt job… just go for it…
But if it is something you don’t want… There is no point in pursuing it… In the end you can let someone live your life… It is your life you get to decide yourself!


Yes at the end life is more important than anything.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sai_sushma

sushma @sai_sushma


Hey i hope you are doing fine πŸ˜Šβ€¦ It’s just a phase… See they are parents, they have different types of pressure from society or I guess it must be their dream. I am not telling you to force yourself too hard to crack the govt exam. If you are really not interested in it just confess to them at the right time. Probably it will take some time to adjust with that. See if you have that potential and you did it means no one will be happier than your parents…
Remember you are not alone πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹ All the best for your future πŸ’


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