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confused about my purpose in life!!! Like I don’t even know what I am doing. My life is haywire and something keeps going wrong every time and I don’t even know what is happening I am confused about my purpose in life and it is not like I have ever been clear. I just feel like I attract drama and all of my friends are so dramatic and we keep having fights because of which I feel like my surroundings are also not very favorable to me. Like even my parents keep fighting. I see that all around me are successful people who know that purpose in life is an important part of our existence. But I am so confused about my purpose in life. Is everyone supposed to have a purpose and it’s so why. Please help me with this because if I stay this confused about my purpose in life I will never be able to do anything. Everyone has found there one true calling and I feel like I am not passionate about things. Like I am all talk but when it comes to do in something I get lazy. Why is that??? Like fc I don’t want to be like that I want to be passionate like others but it just is not happen for me how do you think I can go about finding this purpose. What even is the first step??? Help me people, help me. Have you found your purpose in life & if you did how did you?

3 replies

We’ll i don’t think finding your purpose in life is that easy or even if it’s easy to find it’s not so easy to fulfill it. It depends on you, what you choose your purpose to be, for me ,my purpose is to love myself completely and i know it’s gonna take me years n years.
For you, i think first you should find some supportive friends who would help you know yourself better and encourage you. Just don’t make your purpose a job or something, your purpose for life isn’t for getting your dream job.

Norlan Silva @vanitas

First, just breathe and calm down man. Its hard, I know that. But you have to remember that youe living life at your own pace, there’s no need to rush it. You’ll find your purpose when you find it, its supposed to be a calling out, something you’re passionate about. You don’t even have to be good at it right away, if you like it then you’ll make it eventually. Stop surrounding yourself with dramatic people that aren’t good for your health, and slow down and think carefully about these things.


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