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Profile picture for Now&Me member @echopeace

nikki @echopeace

characterize people by their actions & you will never be fooled by their words.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @echopeace
9 replies

True but then action takes time and ppl dont wait unfortunately for that long.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @echopeace

nikki @echopeace

But what about when you have to ask for the basic human tendencies like kindness, take 5minutes out of your day for that person, or maybe not try to show off how many girls are falling on your feet ( he was a hopeless case nvm)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @echopeace

nikki @echopeace

wasted my whole year 😂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @echopeace

nikki @echopeace

relax, I’m not saying anything like that. I’m just stating some of the things that happened

Chris @boredaf123

I have very little information girl so i wont comment what he did was right ot wrong, but i can suggest you this : the only person you can rely everytime is you yourself. Have more than 1 good friend please , just dont stick to one person.
Also a not of advice : free time kn someones hand is not their availability for us., Sometimes people wanna relax as well, i learnt it the hard way.

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Chris @boredaf123

Why should i do this though ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @echopeace

nikki @echopeace

okay, guys relax!! No need to argue with each other!!
And sometimes people vent on a platform because they can’t say it on that person’s face. as we all have our way of dealing with things

Chris @boredaf123

No we arent, i simply asked him that question


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