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3am ThoughtsThought


Cant sleep … Seating in the corner of the room and crying. No one to share and dont know how should i come out from all this mess in my life

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tomiisnothere
6 replies

Why soo??


U can share with me if u want??


What mess?


Everything relationships career financial thing everything is messed up and more to that i am depressed and stressed out


I’ve never been in such situations, having so much stress at once seems horrible but all i would say is focus on the next right step, don’t think long term for now it will only make you anxious. And just cry out the past but try not to dwell on it, you cant change it anyways. Get a routine, get back on track. Just keep on taking the next right step one at a time in general right direction and its okay if it takes some time. I hope it gets better 😄👍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tomiisnothere

Bruh_itz_tomii @tomiisnoth...

Look there’s no need to be sad and cry over your life. that’s just wasting time on your life. Enjoy your life untill you can’t. We don’t live long, time pass really fast. You will think back how fun when you are still young. No need to be sad, all this sadness and crying is not worth it. Just find something that helps you calm and makes you happy. I don’t know you but we all are human beings we all should help each other. Don’t be shy to get help, if you need someone to share your emotion I’m your guy. I don’t judge others. Have a good day and be safe


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