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3am ThoughtsThought


Can’t sleep lol. What do u do when u can’t sleep? Lmao

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pinky_pie
16 replies

oepn this app 🙉


Lmao same, then would read some of peoples vent or what are they thinking rn.


I am going out for smoke in5 mins , need some fresh air


Breath that freah air my dude

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123

Silent eyes @silent_guy123

I usually use this and try to explore people


Omg, samee. I really like to read what other people thoughts lmao

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123

Silent eyes @silent_guy123

Wanna count me in then?


Sureee no prob

Profile picture for Now&Me member @silent_guy123

Silent eyes @silent_guy123

Mind if you can connect me?


Think about you crush


Lmao, I am not sure if I have a crush on someone rn but I have this bestfriend pf mine opposite to my gender confessed to me that my bestfriend have a feelings towards me. Idk, if I felt the same way or not T^T. I haven’t even have a boyfriend since birth lmao.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pinky_pie

Pinkie Pie @pinky_pie

Staring at the walls until they’re starting to talk with me

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Overthink about things then my brain really gets exhausted and finally I can fall asleep


Music calms me down. If that doesn’t work, then I take a really small amount of aspirin and lay in bed w/ my eyes closed for hours, lol


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