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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Can’t seem to concentrate on my studies …have exams after one month …one month ago I had a break up …it was my first relationship … fraustrated with my life…attending people wedding and questioning abt my life !!!

4 replies

Oh. You should probably study for that exam though. Break-ups are hard, and I am sorry for that, BUT don’t worry! You will find love soon! I know it! Since you have been in your first realtionship, you now know what to expect, which is good! May I ask why you are frustrated in life? Is it from the break up?


I am fraustrated cos many of friends have cracked this exam and others are getting are married …I feel everyone is moving forward …doing something with their life …meanwhile I wasted 16 months in this relationship making him the priority …and he announced " we have no future " just two months before exam…what a selfish person .


Initially he started this relationship with the intension of getting married …I used to say no wait after the exams and when I was ready …he said his father didn’t agree as I belong to another caste…but since the beginning of relationship I have been clear which caste and all …my intention were clear …I don’t know what went wrong …when he said his parents wont have prob …was he using me for …I dont know …how can a person just leave like that …


That is horrible. At least now you can give advice to other people to not date if they are still in school/college. I know you will find your special somebody soon! The person you dated is heartless. He does not deserve you. You will be bette without him, and you will move forward soon! Trust me!


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