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Can you truly make new friends once you start adulting? Someone who would be there for you when things go south, someone to rely on?

I’m 25, and most of my weekdays are at work. I do have weekends but not sure how I can make new friends. Perhaps I give too much a meaning to the word “friend”, and that’s why it is hard for me to have friendships that I can count on.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace
7 replies

Chris @boredaf123

Its difficult to make friends as you grow older. Office mein colleagues milenge and acquaintances. Your best friends will be in different cities. But still you can form meaningful friendships. It will take time though. Clg jitna aasaan nahi hoga


I am 25 too, it’s very hard to make new buddies due to work commitments


I know what you mean. It’s especially tough if you messed up and lost your friends along the way, the ones you’ve had before.

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Let’s hope we find what we’re looking for :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cureplace

Hope @cureplace

agree, we lost a long along the way.

Hope things work out for good and we meet some amazing people to call friends for life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Hey, it’s difficult to form frendship at college level once u r passout…but office friends are really helpful or nearby society friends too…stay connected with them really helps… cheers!


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