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3am ThoughtsThought


Can you recommend me an anime that will just crush my spirit to the ends of Earth? Something that will make cry to sleep? I really, really need it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknownsoul111
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknownsoul111

UnknownSoul111 @unknownsoul111

Why do you want to cry?


To fill an empty space in me. Though I’m not really sure what that hole is.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @unknownsoul111

UnknownSoul111 @unknownsoul111

You are not empty it’s only your thought playing you tricks…
When a glass is filled with water to it’s middle
You can say it as Half Empty or Half Full
It’s our perspective …

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I want to eat your pancreas ( this will surely make you cry even if you are guy)
Lie in April
Silent voice
Wolf child
Weathering with you
Ride your waves


I’ve watched all of that except Your Lie In April. Ride Your Wave was duggumn depressing.


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